
The Necronomnomnom - A Cookbook of Eldritch Horror

Created by Red Duke Games

Let us teach you the rituals to summon forth this Tome of Forbidden Victuals. Together, let us bring into existence... The NECRONOMNOMNOM!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Update That Did Not Be
about 6 years ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 10:30:03 PM

Meant to have this out this weekend!

We are about 70% through the text as whole, with 25% "translated" from boring old easily readable and straightforward recipes to Eldritch and Arcane Unknowable Food Wisdom! *ahem* About 25% converted to "spell" format. Those are coming out really well, with a narrative feel and a gloriously "investigative" element to them. Yes, each one requires a bit of looking for clues and scrutinizing all available offerings (since...there isn't always room to write everything out and we'll need to be creative with some of the lengthier ones to keep to the two-page format). Pdf-backers can just "cheat", and read the plain-text, of course, and we may make some sort of recipe-only reference available on the website later, if there is interest or need.

Next, we should have art to go with that 25%, and can't wait to show you that! That'll be the next big update.

You can check out progress on the deluxe covers on our FB page, here:

We also have had an exciting inquiry that may lead to a second edition! More as this develops. It doesn't affect you directly - but it is extremely cool to see the interest generated by this project! Such a thing would be significantly different from the unique first edition you will hold, but that will make yours all the more special should this come to fruition.

More soon, and keep your eyes on the FB pages (Red Duke Games and The Necronomnomnom) for updates too. As always, we respond to comments here, and emails as quickly as we can. 


The RDG Guys

The Super Quickest Updatiest Update Just So You Know We Weren't Nommed by Eldritch Monstrosities
over 6 years ago – Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 10:06:04 PM

Funds came in!

Funds went out! 

Our craftsmens are doing their hocus pocus 

and it's all shakin' out!

We will post works in progress as drafts come in. We're here to answer questions any time (give us a little bit during the week/during business hours).

We are looking at how to open just the late backer part of the store without a solid shipping cost. May not be able to, but we're working on it.

We should be incorporated soonish. That will help with taxes and other horrors. 

Future projects are lining up nicely, but we are keeping them on simmer, as we are focused on getting this one in your hands/feelers/tentaclaws as quickly as we can.

Thanks again - pics as soon as we have cool stuff to show you!

Gruesome Grimoires - The Second Tome
over 6 years ago – Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 12:09:51 AM

Clandestine Cultists and your Covert Cabals - we have something for you...

As most of you are hopefully escaping the drear responsibilities of your mortal masquerades about now, it is time to deliver on the promises of that last stretch goal that you helped shatter into pulsating shards and scatter to the four corners of the void.

Please, open your third eyes (and hymnals) and raise your voices in song - for this night we announce:

UNSPEAKABLE CAROLS - A Tome of Lovecraftian Holiday Hymns and Cthulian Canticles

(or der Unaussprechlichen Weihnachtslieder, if you prefer)

For two decades, I have written a Lovecraftian Christmas Carol nearly every year. This project - and the fact that Kurt Komoda agreed to turn my terrible cartoonish sketchings of the accompanying graphics into real art, and David wants to do more terrifying latex covers - made me wonder if this might be a worthy...encore. 

We promised the announcement would be something you could use for the holidays, and so, we have the very first (circa 1997) twisted perversion of a beloved carol for you tonight. Without further preamble, please enjoy/go mad over:

The Night of the Black Mass

The Night of the Black Mass
The Night of the Black Mass




The Weighting Is The Hardest Part
over 6 years ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 11:36:24 PM

Survey Update

We plan to use the excellent services of BackerKit to make things convenient for everyone. We are going to do this in two parts. 

First, due to gratifying demand we are going to open the late pledge/pre-order store. This lets folks who missed the Kickstarter in on the fun. Tell your friends! 

The cost of the physical book at this stage is $40, and the digital copy is $17.50. The audio version will be offered for $5.

Next, we will open up the survey itself. This is where Backers can update/modify their pledges (many of you were interested in multiple copies of the book, and this is how we make sure you get them at the Kickstarter price).

There is plenty of time to open the survey, so this won't happen right away. The main reason for this is that it's hard to figure out shipping for a book that doesn't exist yet. We don't want you starring in "The Curse of the Phantom Freight". 

Which means; we have a choice: 

We can guess, and hope we don't have to change the shipping on you later (remember - you pay the actual shipping and handling to your location, ideally); or we can wait until we know the real weight of the book in order to accurately calculate shipping, packaging, etc. so that you really know what it is going to be.

We can go faster with an estimate, but we'd rather not have you counting on one rate, and find out later it's actually going to be something else. So, that's a minor challenge for now. We're happy to have your thoughts while we try to get some more accurate figures from our publisher on expected finished weight.

So; Estimate and go, adjusting if necessary; or wait and try for enhanced accuracy and clear expectations? Where's a Yithian when you need to project into the future and grab a simple datapoint?

Update Lite (promises, promises) No bad news!
over 6 years ago – Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 10:49:24 PM

OK, we said we'd send the Backer survey out this weekend, and there's less than an hour of weekend left. 

Here's what's going on: we need to talk to BackerKit tomorrow (hopefully) to work out some stuff. If we go that route, it makes everyone's life easier - and you can more simply modify, notify, shop, etc. So, the surveys need to wait until we have that sorted  - but the added convenience if all goes well shall be worth it. 

Kurt is working on the sample item we promised you from the last stretch. Should have it for you soon (this was the teaser for our next project - but you'll still be able to "use" it right away). Keep in mind, we haven't paid him yet (because he haven't been paid yet) - so him working on it at all is just because he's cool guy. Also, he knows where we live. 

More exciting news (and updates) on the way!

Mike & Tom