
The Necronomnomnom - A Cookbook of Eldritch Horror

Created by Red Duke Games

Let us teach you the rituals to summon forth this Tome of Forbidden Victuals. Together, let us bring into existence... The NECRONOMNOMNOM!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thanksgiving Update - PAX Unplugged and Stretch Goal 4!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 08:16:57 PM

First and foremost, we'd like to thank all you backers for getting behind this insane project. And to show you that you are not alone - we have photos from PAX Unplugged this past weekend. We spoke to over 1300 people as near as we can count - and the reactions were amazing! People cracking up in the aisles, people waving money at us, cosplayers stopping in their stately progress to investigate, hungry convention attendees willing to try samples straight from the book. It was wonderful.

The Pitch

"I know that look!" To hapless passers-by, inevitably slowing to try to absorb what they are seeing/snared by the power of the book. 

--Question face--

"You're wondering - 'Can I truly combine Ultimate Comic Horror and great cuisine??' - Yes! Yes you can - but you need The Necronomnomnom to do it safely!"

--Tell me more/cracking up/ensnared eye roll face--




 Ray Greenley, the Voice of the Necronomnomnom stopped by, but wouldn't hold still for a picture, and David Pirkle's prototype cover was arguably the star of the show. OK, it may have shared top billing with the "Joe Slater's In-bread Pudding" samples. Both gathered amazed, "Oooh, what is this?!?" type inquiries. 

Lastly, we have Her Majesty, before sampling the wares of The Book, and after; and a World Eater Chaos Space Marine intrigued by the combination of deliciousness and evil, of course. He had a very impressive "Blood For The Blood God!" warshout. I think he scared some folks.

 The reactions were awesome. So many good folks to talk to, and some local backers stopped by and got a real look/taste/feel for the project. And yes, we even demoed a couple  of our games. ;-D

Stretch Goal #4 

Folks, if we get to $66,666 - we will reveal our follow-up project, and include a sample of it in the Necronomnomnom! It'll be something you can put to use probably before you even get the book in your hands, if you are so inclined (and Kurt can fit it into his schedule in time). 

We're also looking into providing something you can use as a gift notice for those wishing to give the gift of culinary madness for the holidays. Special thanks to Backer Brian Munoz for the idea!

Lastly, but in no way least - we gave out all of Hellen Die's Necro-nom-nom-nom-icon business cards, talked up Miguel Fliguer's 'Cooking With Lovecraft' and spoke of the collaborative spirit integral to this project. Considering that we were there at the convention in the first place with the Philadelphia Game Makers Guild collaborative, our story was well received. 

Thanks again everyone!

Klaatu Varada...Nickel?
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 11:15:01 PM

Intrepid Investigators and Clandestine Cultists...we have something for  you...

Friday morning, 11/17 at 7am Eastern - just before we leave to get to PAX UNPLUGGED - we are going to be able to offer FIFTY MORE DELUXE EDITIONS! 

The plan of the Great Old Ones (as somebody called us...) is to have these to offer at the convention - but your job as Investigators is to thwart our plans and buy them all up before anyone can even get coffee. Right?? Right! 

Now, if you are a Cultist - you're not going to let some random neophyte steal your chance to seize power and favor for yourself, are you? ARE YOU?! No, of course not. That'd be...insane.

So, there's your portent. We're going to post the same notice on the Necronomnomnom and Red Duke Games Facebook pages shortly, so the word will be out.

If you've been wanting the upgrade, or know someone who's your chance!

These covers looks amazing. David really brought Kurt's vision to hideous, gibbering life!

Do note that these would be delivered no earlier than September, as the earlier waves have to get done first. If we can go faster, we will - but we want you to have a fair idea of the patience that may be required.

Check out this awesome and horrifying cover!

The First Cover!
The First Cover!

This may not represent the fully painted cover, but we are hoping to have the final version of the Cover at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia this weekend. See you there!.

Back to the Front! Another Project We Love, and Dread Central!
over 6 years ago – Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 12:33:47 AM

Oh Cultists my Cultists! We have progress on the Deluxe cover - and: yes - we're gonna be able to offer more! Please. Stay. Tuned. We will release in an update, and on the Necronomnomnom Facebook page a specific time when we'll make the next...offering. It'll be soon. Spread the word(s)...

FB page over here, by the way:

And also where you can see on-going progress on the Amazing David Pirkle's translation of the Incredible Kurt Komoda's cover art!

Putting the Nom in Necronomnomnom!
Putting the Nom in Necronomnomnom!


In case you missed it, we made Dread Central!

Dread Central Interview
Dread Central Interview

Coolest thing about the article? Seeing Miguel Fliguer's: Cooking With Lovecraft in the "You May Like" section! Check out his book, 'cause you may like!

And, we saw this - and had to share. Edgar Allan Poe stories retold for children? Yes, please!

I Heard A Bird!
I Heard A Bird!


The Tentacles Stretch Further
over 6 years ago – Sun, Nov 05, 2017 at 12:58:15 AM

Announcing Stretch Goal #3!

If we get to $50,000 - we can add pages! More NOM!

What form shall they take? Well, we do have additional recipes, of course. And there could be additional art (concepts, mad scrawlings, that sort of thing - Kurt never disappoints); and we're hoping maybe even room for a preview of a future project...(something related, that can be enjoyed by itself - not a crass commercial for vaporous wares).

We also have a couple of other cool ideas, it depends on what we think gives you the most value, when we see how the rest of the work fits together. 

How many pages? 10-15 seems to be the right price-point, depending on various factors (eventual number of books, weight, page coverage, and other technical stuff). Could be more, probably wouldn't be much less.

Bigger, thicker grimoire - what's not to love? Right??


We will be at PAX Unplugged
in Philadelphia 11/17 - 11/19!

That's right Tom and Mike in the (almost human) flesh! We will be showing off the sample art (and maybe even your awesome contest entry photos) and other Necronomnomnom-related goodness. You might be able to sample a recipe from the Nom! We will also be demoing some of our games in development. If you're going to be there - look for Red Duke Games at the Philadelphia Game Makers Guild booth #251. Stop in and say "IA!"

Contest Results! Stretch Goal 2! A Project We Love!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 10:09:42 PM

Cultists! Investigators! Powers from the Outerwebs - lend me your knowledge absorption apparatus.

Contest Results

The Alko runes have been thrown, and from Primal Chaos, we have divined...that you guys and gals went all out! We kinda can't NOT do something for you all in gratitude for your enthusiasm (no, seriously - every time we try to just declare the winner and say "thank you" to everyone else - multicolored spheres of light and roast beef push us back to the keyboard...).

Trish Aubertin - your entry looks like it crawled directly off the page. I mean, it is The Sandwich Horror come to life! Message us on FB or email [email protected] - because we'll need some info from you in order induct you into the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society as a life member!

John Bellando - you made the above call so very, very deliciously difficult. Your entry is staged to perfection, and awesome in-and-of its loathsome self. It looks alive, evil, and in motion. Incredibly well done. You are getting an upgrade to the Deluxe cover book - even if we have to give you one of our own personal copies. It may take little while to get to you, but you're getting one. Superb job.

Brandon Forbes, Matt Ewer, Howard Williams, and George Dunn - those are some mighty fine sandwiches (or fine mighty sandwiches) - and we can see the effort each of you went to. Step-by-step photos - bringing a whole tray to the office(!) - all the praise and comments gathered...just awesome. You are each getting a one year membership in the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. Message us on the Necronomnomnom Facebook page, or at [email protected] to make arrangements to receive your prize!

In addition - we will add your entry photos and credit you by name in the digital version of the book! Your first baby step to immortality is nigh!

You folks are awesome.

Trish Aubertin's Entry
Trish Aubertin's Entry

Stretch Goal 2 - Maximum Coverage

We are thrilled to be able to bring our backers pledging at the physical book levels our publisher’s top offering in cover materials! In addition to the fine offering already planned, this cover sports a rounded binding (it’s more "spell-bookie!"), and will have a luxury matte film lamination to really showcase the leathery look of the artwork! This was a wished-for but out of reach enhancement as we evaluated what we thought we could likely achieve at a given funding level. Sacrifices were made to keep the funding attainable - but now those sacrifices have risen from the grave and will be crawling under your covers!! Yaaaaaay!!

A Project We Love

...and you might, too. 
Lovecraft's The Dreamlands Christmas Cards and Gift Paper - only 24 hours to go!!

Elder Gods and Christmas, what could go wrong (don't say the link - I observed all the rituals this time!)?

That's the update! Thanks everyone!